Burn More Calories with this HIIT

If you're crunched for time and still want to burn more calories efficiently while working more than one muscle group, give this a try.

Exercise 1. Push Up to Shoulder Tap, Hop to a Box Plank, Rotate to Side and bring Elbow to opposite knee.

***Do 6-12 Reps, Rest 1 Minute and do 1-3 Sets

Modification - Do this by segments instead:

a) pushups (optional shoulder tap) - 6-12 reps each

b) plank, hop to box plank and hold -6-12 reps each

c) lay on your side and bring your elbow to the opposite knee - 6-12 reps each

Exercise 2. Double Hip Thrust, Set Dumbbells down and Push Up to Row on both sides, Repeat.

***Do 6-12 Reps, Rest 1 Minute and do 1-3 Sets

Modification - Do this by segments instead:

a) Kneeling Hip Thrust (DB optional) 6-12 reps each

b) On a plank position Row 6-12 reps each side (optional without DB and just pull elbow back or with DB) OR DB Bent-over rows, alternating sides