Tanya Tooze
Before Stats
Body Fat:
After Stats
Body Fat:
Total Weight Loss:
Body Fat Loss
I came to Mah-Ann in the fall of 2013 looking to find someone to hold me accountable and teach me how to make changes to a healthier more active lifestyle. The stresses of life had gotten the best of me. I had put on 20 pounds over a 10 year period and was so caught up with work, family, taking care of everything else, and my social and business life, that I had not been able to find time for ME! My goal was to lose weight and learn what, how much and when I should be eating and ways to prepare meals and make time for exercise that would fit into my life and be sustainable. I had tried every quick fix around, shakes, pills, injections, prepackaged meals, and joined gyms, but still couldn’t make anything work long term. Since working with Mah-Ann and joining the Pro Fitness community, over the last 10 months I've learned so much about what my body needs and does not need. I've found the group sessions to be quick and FUN. I've met so many wonderful people and I have found success in weight loss and transformed my body to a level I didn't know was possible, losing 30 pounds and even competing in two bodybuilding bikini competitions, most of all I have found and learned a healthier, sustainable way to eat, exercise and live! At 42 years old, I am in the best shape of my life! I encourage anyone looking to make a change in their health to join Pro Fitness! Real people, Real results!
~Tanya Tooze
Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things fitness One on One Personal Training, Group Fitness, Competition Prep or On-Line Coaching. And if you are not yet one of my prized clients then call or email me now to set up your first workout – I’d love to help you achieve your best body ever!