Liz Duffey
Before Stats
Weight: 151 lbs
Body Fat: 27.1%
After Stats (7 Months Transformation)
Weight: 126 lbs
Body Fat: 13.9%
Total Weight Loss: 25 lbs.
Body Fat Loss: 13.2%
I had been staying reasonably fit for years, sometimes my weight was up, sometimes down, but always with a poochy tummy and never exactly getting the results that I wanted. I had hired trainers, taken classes, educated myself on nutrition – but something was missing and I was just left feeling frustrated and that maybe it would never happen for me. Maybe I just didn’t have the right kind of body to be “athletic”.
Then I watched my sweet friend Tanya transform herself last year at Mah-Ann’s Pro Fitness – and she begin competing! I always thought she was beautiful, but the results she was getting were incredible! I thought – ok, maybe it IS possible for me! So when the day came last summer that I saw Mah-Ann’s 21-Day bikini challenge come up on Facebook I decided I would give it a shot.
What I found, was an incredible support network, support, kick ass workouts, and a meal plan I actually enjoyed. I lost 9 pounds my first week! When my 21 days were up, I wasn’t ready to quit! I signed up for another 6 weeks, and my success continued! Mah-Ann has it dialed in!
Fast forward to today – I have come from about 30% body fat to 13%. I have never ever in my life had a flat stomach (I have an ‘apple’ body) but I do now – and actual abs! When I put on ANY piece of clothing, it FITS and is comfortable! There is no better feeling than being comfortable in your own skin! I actually have gone from a size 11-12 to a 0-1. I never dreamed that I would accomplish so much, and I know I never would have if I didn’t find this community of friends at Pro Fitness! Having a POSITIVE network of friends who I now call FAMILY.
If you are wondering if this is for you – what are you waiting for? I promise – if I can do this, anyone can. It’s your life, your body, make it what you want it to be! — Liz Duffey
Let us help you, like we’ve helped hundreds of men and women get fitter-leaner-healthier and happier lives. We work holistically with each of our clients lined up with their goals and give unconditional support to help them regain confidence while optimizing their health and physical strength.
Reach out to us today for your free consultation:
Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things fitness One on One Personal Training, Group Fitness, Competition Prep or On-Line Coaching. And if you are not yet one of my prized clients then call or email me now to set up your first workout – I’d love to help you achieve your best body ever!